Friday, May 30, 2014

Killing Ahmadis and Stoning lover girls in the land of pure.

Disclaimer: "Whatever I write is just my own ramblings. Don't take my word for it but rather make sense through your own critical thinking."

It has merely been my second Friday in the so-called land of pure, things around me are re-surfacing as I adjust, my mind absorbing it all now from a higher perspective. We have been all victimised of separation all along. Purged into an egoistical mind, as capitalism and commercialism gives us that false hope of the perfect ideal self we constantly chase and amidst that ignorance, events such as killing of a well-known doctor for his faith (Ahmadi) and public stoning of a woman in Punjab only because she married the man she loved, go unnoticed. Just like paintings of tragedy and remorse go unnoticed by those who don't understand & feel art. It's there in the newspapers but not many are empathetic. Why do we see them outside of us? Aren't they humans too?

Dr. Mehdi gunned down on his visit in Pakistan.

                                          Stoning of woman in Pakistan.

Is Pakistan really a stone-age country? Not really. I met a lot of old high school friends who are all now working and most of them like myself have found their way to humbleness and through their phases of life understood it's simplicity as well. We are all a happy bunch of people, in spite of hours of electricity load shedding, fear of getting robbed out in the streets and the negative turmoil that the media boasts about. Through many conversations I gauged that generally the youth agrees that what's happening out there is intolerable!

The educated, privileged, young thinkers who have found their way out of the mind conditioning of the paradoxical illusional society we live in, perhaps through rebelliousness, self-reflection and questioning or amusement through substances that induce a seemingly better state of mind/consciousness, don't want to take any more of this bullshit.

The youth knows things have gone haywire in this country and collectively we do want to see the change. Some may be still battling their personal issues of fears and insecurities caused by the differences but deep inside we all know that WE ARE ALL THE SAME.

Differences of gender, sexual orientation, class, race, culture, religion mean NOTHING for we all come from the same source.

It's just those in the power, the elite & the government they want this chaos so they can pocket all the cash, sit back and enjoy the show.  The older generations who have been led to believe in separatism and its ideologies are ignorant fools. And their ways don't work anymore. Matter of fact, through out centuries it has never worked!

The pagans, tribal communities and natives of the lands have always propagated oneness of all.

Without having to penetrate further into oneness, that many egoistic minds judge as the new age mumbo jumbo, I'd head towards the direction of saying change comes within. If we all change our minds, our perspectives and way of thinking individually a better reality would manifest itself.

It all has started to make sense. And for myself, as a film-maker I want to optimize my ambition for bringing this awareness in the mass consciousness. It's high time we stop pointing fingers at each other, find what we really love doing, believe in ourselves and become good at what we do so we can use it to contribute and give back to the community.

To do something for a better future together!

I'll end this blog post with a quote by one of my favourite personalities.

"It's difficult to believe in yourself because the idea of self is an artificial construction. You are, in fact, past of the glorious oneness of the universe. Everything beautiful in the world is within you"
- Russel Brand.